

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homemade Strawberry Frozen Yogurt - Summer Recipes

        Strawberries are everywhere right now !! I got strawberries from " Pick your own fruit farm". Strawberry frozen yogurt is simple, delicious and healthy. It requires only few ingredients and is made without cooking. I really love the gorgeous pink color and the taste is just amazing. Try this yogurt and let me know your feedback.


           1.5 Cup of Strawberries
           3/4 Cup  of Yogurt
           2 Tbsp of Sugar
           2 Tbsp of Honey
           1/2 Tsp of Vanilla Extact
           1/2 Tsp of Lemon Juice
           Pinch of Salt


  • Wash and slice the strawberries into pieces.
  • In a blender/ mixie, add the strawberries, yogurt, sugar, honey, vanilla extract, lemon juice and salt.  Puree until the mixture is smooth.
  • Transfer the contents to an airtight container and freeze until set, ideally overnight.
  • Remove from the freezer and let stand at room temperature for 15 -20 mins before serving.


  • If you get Greek yogurt, add that instead of using normal yogurt.
  • Use stevia or agave for sweetness instead of adding regular white sugar and honey.
  • Addition of salt is to enrich the sweetness of yogurt.

    Health Benefits of Strawberry 

  • The dietary fiber in strawberry keeps digestion regular and lowers the blood pressure. 
  • High in vitamin C and manganese.
  • It has anti inflammatory and anticancer properties.
  • Good for eyes and bone health.


  1. Simply fabulous and really perfect for this hot summer...

  2. It's spectacular but I can say the same about berries. The fruit is expensive and I will not pay the price yet I love what you did with the fruit. What an inviting and cooling dessert.

  3. Attractive flavored yoghurt.. U have done it soo well !

  4. I made mango one, going to try this one too.

  5. The dish looks very colorful & perfect for the summer. This is defenitely a better alternative for the rich ice cream & for weightwatchers.

  6. colourful strawberry frozen yogurt looks so lovely and inviting.

  7. Strawberry FroYo looks delicious. You are right..its nutritious too.
    Happy to land on your lovely blog. Now following.
    Do visit mine in your spare time- and

    Have a great day! :)

  8. looks delicious ! Kids wud luv this !

  9. wow.. froyo looks perfect n mouthwatering...


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Gayathri Ramanan